PRESS RELEASE: EOH is pleased to report a continued improvement in performance with a 35% increase in operating profit from continuing operations

EOH is pleased to report a continued improvement in [...]

2023-10-18T09:47:38+02:0018th October 2023|

PRESS RELEASE: EOH generates R110 million in operating profit for the first 6 months of FY2023 compared to R100 million for the full 12 month period ended July 2022

EOH is pleased to report sustained operating profitability during [...]

2023-04-14T08:04:31+02:005th April 2023|

EOH, the Special Investigating Unit and the Department of Water and Sanitation conclude settlement agreement

Johannesburg: 11 November 2022: The new EOH board and management [...]

2023-04-14T08:04:40+02:0011th November 2022|

EOH disposes of 100% of the issued share capital of Sybrin Limited (Guernsey) and Sybrin Systems Proprietary Limited

8 June 2021, Johannesburg: EOH today announced it has entered [...]

2023-04-14T08:06:15+02:008th June 2021|

EOH provides comment on ENSafrica’s Steven Powell providing further testimony to the Judicial inquiry into allegations of State Capture (the Commission) and the DHA forensic submission to Parliament on 24 May 2021

This follows an EOH press release on 30 April 2021 [...]

2023-04-14T08:06:17+02:0026th May 2021|
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